Morning Mention
Morning Mention is Utica University's official campus email communication distributed weekday mornings to all Utica employees and students.
All faculty, staff and students are part of Morning Mention's email list-serve and receive official Morning Mention email digests including upcoming events, announcements, news stories, and other timely information.
How to submit information for Morning Mention
- To submit an announcement, event, news item, or kudo, fill out the form at the Morning Mention submissions page.
- Day-of events are pulled directly from the Utica University website events calendar and PioHub.
Morning Mention Guidelines
- Morning Mention is intended to communicate non-critical, university-related information to all students and employees of Utica University.
- Due to the volume of submissions and need to schedule Morning Mention emails as efficiently as possible, please submit your information by 1:00 p.m. the previous business day of your desired run date.
- In an effort to ensure that content is fresh and non-redundant, our policy is to provide one announcement per upcoming event, series or deadline to create a streamlined presentation of announcements and news of value. Repeated posts will be deleted.
- Individual campus-wide email messages are reserved for critical and time sensitive information. The following Offices are authorized to send campus-wide messages pertaining to their respective areas through a designated administrative user : Academic Affairs, Campus Safety, Emergency Management, Facilities Management, Human Resources, Integrated Information Technology Services, Office of the President, and Office of the Dean of Students.
I would like to see logins and resources for:
For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit our logins page.